Well, it's just me and the three kiddos this weekend. Dale decided at the last minute (yeah I know he never waits to the last minute on anything) to go to a men's retreat. Which is fine with me, maybe he can meet some new guys from the church. It's funny though, we are having a ladies day in a few weeks. Did I mention it was a day. I think in the spring they have a ladies weekend. So anyway I worked Friday, so when I picked the kids up from Miss Linda's they didn't even care to leave. They love going to Miss Linda's house. She has 3 boys the same ages as Chloe, Caitlyn and Caleb.
Today we painted our pumpkins from last weekends outing to Hillridge Farms. The girls had fun. Caleb was napping at this time of course. Here are a few pictures of our activity.

Here the girls are just starting to paint their pumpkins. They were so excited!!

Chloe was concentrating so hard on painting her pumpkin.
Caitlyn was proud of her painting.

Isn't this the most beautiful pumpkin you've ever seen?
Here are our pumpkins at the end of the fun. Caitlyn's, Chloe's and then mine. Yes I painted like my 3 and 5 year old. There was a reason behind this. I didn't want my pumpkin to outshine their beautiful pumpkins. Whatever they look like, we had fun.

Caleb just started liking raisins. Here he is taking the bag. He had just finished eating pizza, you can tell by his face. The next picture is him walking/trying to run and his pants about to fall off of him. It was so cute.
So that's what we have been doing so far this weekend. I can tell you that not much relaxing has been going on. Especially with my 3 little ones. Cailtyn has been in a mood lately. Like for 2 weeks. You would think she was a teenager with hormonal issues the way she has been acting. So moody. Hopefully this is just a phase she is going through. Chloe on the otherhand has been doing well in school. She is counting down the weeks until she tracks out. (2 weeks to go). For those of you who do not know, Chloe is in year round school. We seem to like it so far. Caleb is just sweet little Caleb. Although lately since he has started walking. I've seen him starting to defend himself against his sisters. It's cute. I told Chloe and Caitlyn they better watch out cause Caleb is coming for them. Ha Ha!!
Well not much else going on here. Hope all is going well with everyone.