Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wake Forest Christmas Parade

This afternoon we went to the annual Wake Forest Christmas Parade. The kids had a blast. By the end our fingers and toes were numb. It was just a little chilly out this afternoon.

Here we are waiting for the parade to start. Me and my little munchkins.

Caleb and mommy and then mommy getting a sugar kiss from Caitlyn. Chloe took this picture. She did a great job.

Chloe is always saying how Caitlyn is her best friend. Is this not the cutest pic?

Here is daddy with his little man. He was trying to contain all the wiggles.
Chloe's face is priceless in this shot. She was so excited!!

Well that's what we have been up to the last few days. Keep checking back and leave me a comment if you want. I love hearing from everyone.

Christmas Party

On Wednesday we went to our small group Christmas party at The Pauleys house. It was an unusual warm day for December. We all had a blast. We even went around the neighborhood Christmas caroling. The kids loved it.

This is just a few of the people in our "small" group. We definitely had a house full. It was a great time of fun and fellowship with one another. Here we are singing Christmas carols at a house.

The kids loved seeing the houses decorated and the lawn decorations. Here they are saying Hi to Mickey.

Caitlyn and Caleb saying Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What's Up?

Well its hard to believe but today Caleb turned 18 months old. It just doesn't seem possible that he is that old yet. Time sure does fly. People are always telling you they will grow up fast and they sure do. I just treasure and am so thankful for each moment God has given them to us. They are such a blessing to Dale and I. I can't imagine our lives without them, we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves. Christmas is just around the corner and it seems to come so fast. Then it will be New Years and then summer again. It seems like life just passes by so quickly especially nowadays. I guess sometimes I need to put things in check and SLOW down. I need to savour all that is around me. Well just thought I'd write a quick note. I'll update later this week. Dale has his finals tomorrow and then he is done for a few weeks until Jan when classes start back up. So that is great!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


This weekend we took a trip to Bishoppville SC. Dale had a speaking engagement at a church there then we went over to Conway to see some of our close friends. It was a long tiring weekend, but it was great to see some of our friends. Here is Christina with her new little one Patrick. He is 3 months old and sooo cute. They live in Sumter, SC.
Then we spent the afternoon in Conway visiting The Smith Family or at least part of them.
Here is Bethany, Stephanie, Chloe and Caitlyn
This is the Smith Family: Bethany, Stephanie, Merlin and Lonnie ( who wasn't there when photo taken) Since we didn't get a chance to see Lonnie before he left to go back to school at Clemson we had to pull a photo out so we could see him.
Caitlyn kept asking for Lonnie all day in the car. She wanted to show him this picture the girls had made at Redbone Alley, but Lonnie had to go back to school at Clemson so he wasn't there when we got in. Caitlyn thought this was so funny. Here she is with her man Lonnie. Sorry Lonnie you couldn't see us in person and that we missed seeing you, so we had to go with a picture instead.
Well that's all for now. Hope we can come visit for longer next time and actually see Lonnie in person!! :)


We spent Thanksgiving here in Wake Forest, NC this year since I had to work that night. We went over to The Pauley's for dinner. They are a family from our small group from church and they have 3 boys. We had a wonderful time.

Here are all the kids. Her neighbors came over also and they had 2 kids. We had a houseful of entertainment!!

Here is Caleb chowing down.

The girls cheered what a great time we had!!

Thanks to the Pauley's for inviting us over and including us in their Thanksgiving this year.