Well I have gotten behind these last couple of weeks. I mean where does the time seem to go? So this may be a little more lengthy than usual but I wanted to catch up.
Caitlyn had fine arts day yesterday at her preschool. This is where they get to sing some songs and show off their art from the year. She was such a big girl and she did so well. They sang The Lords Army song and I've got the Joy Joy Joy. They did so well.

Here is some of her art work from the last few months.

Last weekend I went on a
woman's retreat for our church. It was in Blowing Rock, NC and I had a blast. The Lord is so good and it was great getting to know some of the ladies from our church. My
roomies were Susan
Lepper and Kristy Cooper. They are the best! On Saturday we had some free time and some ladies went shopping while others ventured for the hiking. I do not like shopping so we decided to go hiking. I asked about the kind of trail we were going on and they said oh its easy. When we got there it was rocky and
mountainy to say the least. To me it was not a easy trail. But it was fun in the end or I should say once we got to the end:) Here are a few pics of our excursion.

Here is Susan, Kristy and I once we finally made it to the end. Yeah we made it!!

The girls when we finally made it to the top. Now just to make it back down.
If you look down closely you can make out the road that we started on.

Susan and I thought we would never make it to the top.

Here are my girls Kristy and Susan. They have such awesome hearts for the Lord. Kristy AKA Jillian from the Biggest Loser. She was such an encourager on my way up the mountain. Thanks Kristy!

This is the start of the hike. Up the mountain we go.

For Easter this year we went over to the
Pauleys for dinner. We had a blast and the kids loved playing and hunting eggs. Here is Caleb being goofy.

I got the kids to sit in front of these beautiful flowers I had found. They were so beautiful and gorgeous. I am so blessed.

That's just a quick recap of our last couple weeks. We have been so busy. Then on Sunday when I returned from the ladies retreat, Dale had to leave for WV. His dad had a heart attack and ended up having 2
stents placed. He is doing well, but just keep him and Dale in your prayers. Dale is working hard in his classes and is almost done for the semester. Yeah!! I am actually in WV visiting my family at the moment for the weekend and giving Dale some much needed quiet time to study. You don't get that too often with 3 kids :)
That's about it. Check back in a few days for some more updates on the Myers.