This is at the end. Caleb thought he was playing chess.
Caitlyn and Caleb learning about farming. They grew some nice carrots.
Here Caitlyn said she was being like her mommy. She was playing nurse. How sweet.
Caitlyn was so proud of her pepperoni pizza she had made us. In all it was a great field trip. The kids had a blast.
I have been searching for a while on craigslist for a new bedroom suite. I finally found a great deal and ended myself a king size bed. It is AWESOME. I even went all out and bought me a new comforter set and everything. I love it. Here is just a quick picture of it.
Chloe has finished another season with Upward Cheerleading at Richland Creek. She had a blast. Here is her with some of her coaches for the year.
Caitlyn has been learning so much in school and has really picked up on her writing letters and starting to read. She is so much fun. Whenever there is a chance for pictures she is all up for it. One day she found this hat, so she found an outfit that would look good with it and wore it to school. So here is one of her crazy pics I took that day.
Pure JOY.
Well I know I haven't kept up with my blog the last few weeks but I am trying to do better. Caleb potty trained a few weeks back and is now in big boy undies. They are so cute and it is so weird to see them compared to the girls undies. He was so much easier than the girls ever were.
Dale is getting closer to graduating in May. We just were voted in at Oak Ridge Baptist Church in Kershaw, SC as the pastor this past weekend. God is just leading and directing our path. We are both excited to start this new phase of our ministry.