Monday, September 29, 2008
He's Walking!!
It is short but captures so much.
YEAH!! It's fall
Here is this long tunnel slide that the kids would have stayed on all day if we let them. The adults I would say were done after a few trips up the LONG hill. Caitlyn had no fear she went right up the hill and down the slide.
Here is Caleb and Madeline at the bottom waiting for everyone to come out the big black hole.
Dale and Chloe coming out the slide. It took a couple of times before Chloe went by herself. Once she did ,she did not want to stop.
Here is a good daddy climbing up the hill for the 20th time. :)
This was a corn playhouse they played in. It was just a lot of hulled corn. They loved it.
Here they are burying Carson in the corn.
Steve even got in on the fun.
Steve, Carson and Campbell.
Here we are on the hayride.
This is us going into the forest. The kids were all looking on as if something was going to pop out at them.
He didn't want to get off the wagon when we got to the pumpkin patch.
The kids all went running to pick out their favorite pumpkin!
Here they are amongst the pumpkins. It was such a cute site.
Jennifer, Campbell and Madeline pose for a picture while on the hayride.
Caitlyn was so funny. Madeline spit up while holding her. Her face was so funny.
Here they are carrying their pumpkins back to the wagon. Look closely and see Caitlyn carrying her own pumpkin. How strong!The kids were all about done by this point. They were tired of pictures and were hot and thirsty.
The Lloyd family: Steve, Carson with Madeline, Campbell and Jennifer
Here is our family. I thought I would put a picture of us all in. Just to prove I was there.
Here are the kids after church yesterday. The girls are wearing their dresses grandma made them. Caleb was a hoot.
Here are the girls with their tattoos. They look so tough. Watch out world, here they come!
We had gone over to some friends house, The Gunnells last week for dinner. Here are the girls after playing a princess game. Vivian is in the white shirt, then Chloe and Caitlyn. They had a blast!
Well I know this has been a long blog, but I know you will enjoy seeing the pictures of the kids. Later I am going to try to post a video. I have to figure that out first. Caleb finally has starting walking this week. YEAH!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Interesting week
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Reflections on the week and my birthday
A Friends Visit

Chloe did so well with Madeline. She loves being around little children and she is a big help. I told her not to get any ideas!!
To think about another child and what it would be like to have 4. Here is Dale with our kids and Madeline. Dale thinks he is busy with 3 imagine 4.
Well this week Dale has adjusted a little better to being Mr Dad. He actually learned how to run the dishwasher. YEAH!! What a difference a clean sink makes!! This coming week we will be working on the kitchen floor, keeping it mopped and cleaned. He is doing an AWESOME job. It is a lot harder than people realize. With 3 little ones in the area it is a lot harder to keep things cleaned and actually put away. We are a work in progress.
Caleb finally took 4 steps last Friday to Uncle Steve as we call him. I didn't catch it on film but I will. Then I will post it.
This is Carson
Steve with baby Madeline. Caleb loves playing with this little house. I think this is the best toy item that we bought throughout all the kids. They have all loved it and all 3 still play with it. Great Christmas gift for anyone with smaller children.
We went to the park last night to play with the kids. Here is a few shots from that. Chloe loves to pose. This is how she likes to play ball. Caitlyn on the other hand likes to run and kick the ball.
to chase the ball.
Well I guess that's about it for now. Today is Dale's birthday so we will have more pictures later of our dinner. Today he started his birthday out with the girls giving him his card. It sang Go Daddy O. He loved it and the girls thought it was great. It took us probably a half hr to pick it out. They really put some thought into it. Then we were going to breakfast and our car had a flat tire. So we spent quality family time changing out the tire. We would definitely not make the NASCAR tire changers. We made it, then we had to take the car to the radio shop to find out that the reason our radio wasn't working is because our sweet little Caitlyn had inserted a penny into it. So at least it works now and we didn't have to buy a new one like the toyota place told us.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Isn't this so sweet
The girls have been into playing frisbee this week. Dale decided to take them over to the seminary one day and play. These are some cute pics of the action.
When Caitlyn throws the frisbee, you have to be on the look out or you might get smacked in the head. She is still working on her aim.