Well we had our first surgery in the family this week. Chloe has tubes placed in her ears yesterday as well as having her adenoids out. She had been having a lot of trouble hearing lately and that was because of a lot of fluid
accumulation in her ears. So yesterday she had her surgery and she did so well. I wasn't so sure how she would do because she is so scared of needles and the unknown, but yesterday she was so strong and such a big girl. She also had allergy skin testing yesterday as well and they were all negative. Praise the Lord for that! I snapped a few photos of her yesterday so we all would remember well. When the nurse gave her her first gown to put on it was so small. Chloe kept her pants on, she said it would have shown her
bootie and panties otherwise. It was so cute. We eventually got her a gown that fit her. I wasn't used to seeing such small patient gowns, they were cute. All the nurses and doctors and everyone involved did a super job with Chloe. I know she was so calm and everything went as planned due to so many people praying for her and us. I just want to thank everyone for their prayers. The peace of God was upon her. Also so much thanks to Wendy
Pauley and her family for taking care of my other 2,
Caitlyn and Caleb.
Here she is in her little gown. Everything was rushed yesterday morning with me just getting off work and rushing home, to getting all the kids ready and out the door. We dropped Caitlyn and Caleb off at Miss Wendys house and then hurried down to the hospital. In the meantime we forgot Chloes favorite stuffed animal "puppy". She has had him since she was born. Can you believe we forgot him? Well good for me that I had already bought Chloe a gift for after surgery which was a little bigger version of her puppy. It was like the mommy puppy . So she was just a little nervous after we got back to the pre op area that I went ahead and gave her the gift. She was so excited.
They have a child life specialist who comes in and talks with the kids prior to surgery. They draw on their beds. Chloe thought this was neat. I told her this was not to be done at home :)
"Uncle Steve" came over from
Fayetteville and was there with us as Chloe had her surgery. Thanks Steve, that meant a lot, from us as well as Chloe.
Here is the post op nurse with Chloe as we prepare to leave the hospital. She was so good with her. She gave Chloe a princess etch a sketch and some
tattoos, which to Chloe was neat.

Here is Chloe and me as we are wheeled out of the hospital. It brought back memories of the day we left the hospital when she was born. She was a lot smaller then.
Here are some shots from this morning. Chloe is feeling great. I let her stay home today just to make sure she was ok. Here is Chloe and Caitlyn with baby and mommy puppy as they call them.
Here is the infamous puppy and mommy puppy.
Well that's all for now. Check back later for more updates from the Myers family. Caleb is still trying to get over an ear infection, but for the most part we are all doing well.