Here is a picture Dale took one night I was at work. Look at how cute the girls are and how sound they were sleeping. It is so funny.

I snuck up on Chloe and Caleb the other morning and caught this shot. It was so precious. Chloe reading a book to her little brother. What an awesome sight. Chloe really does well with her reading and enjoys reading to her sister and brother so much. I am so proud of her.
Caitlyn and Chloe were playing dress up earlier today and here is what Caitlyn came down dressed as. She was so cute. She even wore it out to the store when we went out. I couldn't get her to change so why fight it. She was so sweet and innocent looking.
I finally broke down and bought myself something this week. I have saved my money from Christmas for a couple years and since I never spend anything on me I thought it was time. I have been using this diaper bag/purse for about a year now and I finally decided to go and buy a woman's purse. I really like Vera Bradley and her line of bags but I am so cheap that I never buy one. So I found this store in downtown Wake Forest called The Red Door Interior ( I think that was the name) anyway we went there the other day and Chloe helped me pick out a new purse. Its design is called purple punch. I really like it. So I decided to post a picture for you to see as well.
Well not much else going on here. We are excited about heading to West Virginia this coming weekend for my cousin Amanda's wedding. This kids are excited that they get to see everyone. Caleb turned 20 months today. So hard to believe in just a few short months he will be 2. Everyone always told me that time flies and they weren't kidding. They are all growing up so fast. I am trying to savour every moment with them.
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