Saturday, June 20, 2009

Paw Paw and Grandma Visiting

This past week, Dale's mom and dad came to visit us. We had a great time. They left this morning to go home. We sure are going to miss them, but we are glad they were able to come see us. While they were here we took a trip to Pullen Park.
Here is Dale and the girls riding the carousel. I'm taking the pictures.

Caleb and Paw Paw

The girls thought they were cool "driving" the boat.

Here is Caleb ringing the bell on the boat. He loved that part.

The girls on the train.

Here is the crew. Marlene and Fred AKA grandma and paw paw, Caleb, Dale, then Chloe and Caitlyn. We had a fun ride on the train.

Here is all of us posing for a photo. I love using the timer on my camera.

Here the kids are posing with the Andy Griffith statue.

Marlene loves to sew and she is always making the girls new dresses and things. Here is one of the dresses she made this time. It's so cute. Here Chloe is modeling it. Caitlyn is holding up one of the purses she made them as well.

So I had been thinking, and since my birthday is next week, Dale bought me a sewing machine, I actually asked for it. Marlene gave me a few quick lessons and I actually made a blanket and 2 pillowcases :) I have a lot more to learn, but I really have enjoyed it so far. The girls think its cool and I think I surprised Dale that I could actually do it. I'm a quick learner, I should have bought the machine earlier in the week since Marlene and Fred were here all week. I would have had longer to learn different things. So I am going to attempt some other little things and see how it goes. I'll keep you posted.
Here is Caleb and Chloe with the items I made.

The purple pillowcase is the girls, so don't worry Caleb doesn't have purple girly colors in his room.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Caleb

Today Caleb turned 2 yrs old. I really cannot believe that he is 2. Its so hard to believe how much time flies. Now I understand when people say they grow up so fast, so just treasure each moment you have. I thank God daily for the special blessing he has given us with Caleb Joshua. He is such a sweet spirited child. We went to lunch today with Miss Susan at the Texas Roadhouse. We had them sing to Caleb. He wasn't sure what to think. Chloe picked out this little
matchbox transport helicopter. He loved it. He is so into cars lately. I love how cheap it is, especially compared to the girls. 97 cents vs. $10 barbies. Can't beat matchbox cars :)

Chloe and Caitlyn helped me pick out his birthday cake. It was Thomas the train. He is just really starting to get into the train thing. He goes around saying Choo Choo. It's so cute.

Miss Susan our good friend from church got him this little Thomas the Train playset. He was loving it. Notice his little matchbox cars also accompany the train track.

Here are all 3 of the kids. Chloe, Caitlyn and Caleb. They are all looking so grown up lately.

Tonight was prayer night at our church, so we went on a prayer walk in our community tonight. We went as a small group or at least part of our small group over to Jones Dairy Elementary and prayed for the school. This is where Chloe goes to school. This is a group shot of some of us. We love these guys!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Fun with the Pauleys

Well this has been a very tiring weekend, but lots of fun. Chloe sang with the other kindergartners on Thursday evening at a PTA meeting. I didn't get to go because of working, but Dale taped it for me and they did such a great job. I am going to try to post a clip later so you can see. Chloe has really gained a lot more confidence over this past year, especially when up in front of people. Just remembering how timid she was on stage at their Thanksgiving singing as compared to this past week, it's a huge difference. So keep an eye out for that to be posted.
Then this past weekend we went over to our friends the Pauleys to house sit and to watch their 3 boys while they went out of town for the weekend for their 10th anniversary. They are the A team, Andrew 6yrs, Adam 5 yrs, and Andersen 3 yrs. So you can imagine how crazy it could be when you add Chloe, Caitlyn and Caleb. I could not imagine having 6 children all the time. WOW!
So we had an entertained but fun weekend and even made it to church on time with all 6. Yes I know that's hard to believe, especially if you know us well. Since the boys go to bed at 7:45 they get up bright and early. Yes 6:00 a.m. You read it right. And I am definitely not a morning person. So we were up bright and early. Made it easy to get us all to get ready, but I was so tired in church:)
Wendy and the boys had made some play dough for us early on Saturday morning. That was a life saver. They all loved playing with it. Here a a few pics.

Here is the crew. Starting with Caitlyn, Chloe, Andrew, Caleb, Andersen and Adam

Caleb was loving it. Chloe had made us a pizza.

If you look closely to Caitlyns forehead you will see the only injury we had for the weekend. She happened to run into a door that was opened in front of her with a little help from Andrew. So I thought we did pretty good.

Caleb making his pizza. They had 2 little tunnels that you crawl through. Caleb loved it.

By the end of yesterday we were all tired. So after Wendy and Fred returned we were all talking and I noticed Caleb wasn't around. I went looking for him and he was in front of the foyer door, laying on his backpack asleep. It was the cutest site. Poor guy was so wore out. I definitely had to get a picture of it. We had lots of fun and will be glad to do it again for them, just not in the next few weeks. I need rest:)

Here is Caitlyn with her crown she made at church. She was so proud of it.

Caleb after enjoying some pudding this morning. I think he really liked it.

Dale is taking Greek this summer so he is full swing into it. Just keep him in your prayers. Chloe is in school till the 30th then off a week before heading back as a 1st grader. She's excited. Caitlyn and Caleb are just hanging with momma, a tired momma at that. Caleb turns 2 next Sunday, so I'm trying to figure out what to do for him. I can't believe he's gonna be 2 already. That's all for now. Feel free to leave me a comment. I love reading them:)