Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Caleb

Today Caleb turned 2 yrs old. I really cannot believe that he is 2. Its so hard to believe how much time flies. Now I understand when people say they grow up so fast, so just treasure each moment you have. I thank God daily for the special blessing he has given us with Caleb Joshua. He is such a sweet spirited child. We went to lunch today with Miss Susan at the Texas Roadhouse. We had them sing to Caleb. He wasn't sure what to think. Chloe picked out this little
matchbox transport helicopter. He loved it. He is so into cars lately. I love how cheap it is, especially compared to the girls. 97 cents vs. $10 barbies. Can't beat matchbox cars :)

Chloe and Caitlyn helped me pick out his birthday cake. It was Thomas the train. He is just really starting to get into the train thing. He goes around saying Choo Choo. It's so cute.

Miss Susan our good friend from church got him this little Thomas the Train playset. He was loving it. Notice his little matchbox cars also accompany the train track.

Here are all 3 of the kids. Chloe, Caitlyn and Caleb. They are all looking so grown up lately.

Tonight was prayer night at our church, so we went on a prayer walk in our community tonight. We went as a small group or at least part of our small group over to Jones Dairy Elementary and prayed for the school. This is where Chloe goes to school. This is a group shot of some of us. We love these guys!!


Sylvia Goode Basham said...

Your kids are soooo cute! I loved looking at your photos.

Jessica said...

Hi, Jill. I just stumbled onto your blog while searching for things to do around Wake Forest...we just recently moved here, and if you have a moment I would love to hear your favorite kid friendly spots, I sure would appreciate it!!!