Well let me see where I can start. We have been extremely busy over the last 3 months. I am going to give you a quick rundown of some of the things we have been up to. We have officially moved to
Kershaw, SC to be pastor of Oak Ridge Baptist Church. We moved here on June 25
th (yes my birthday) and that in itself was a crazy and tiring day. Thanks so much to Chris Joyce one of our dear friends for all the muscle he put in that day, we couldn't have done it without you. On the way to SC, our car died on I 95. A long story later and we had to have a new engine put in :(
Here is a shot of our new house. We live across the street from the church in the parsonage. It's great.

Here is a shot of the church.

Chloe finished up her year of being a first grader in Mrs. Andersen's class. She loved having her as a teacher. Now she has had a few weeks off of school and will soon be starting in 2
nd grade here in SC.
Caitlyn will be starting kindergarten.

Since Dale had a night out with his fellas, I was able to escape long enough to have dinner with some very dear ladies. Here is some of the ladies from my small group. I miss them each dearly.
Robin, Erica, Me,
Stephnie, Laurie, Laura and Kristy

The weekend before all this, we went up to WV and on the way our van died. Yes we haven't had much luck lately with our vehicles, but I guess that's how it goes. We ended up selling our van via
Craigslist and buying a new (used) van in VA. It's been a whirlwind. My mom had her retirement party. She retired from being a teacher after I can't remember how many years. Now she is free just to be grandma.

Here is a shot of the family. All of my sisters and their husbands and their kids.

With moving comes goodbyes. Here are a few dear friends from
WakeMed. We went to the Angus Barn in Raleigh for dinner and had a great time. I am definitely going to miss each one of them.
Sarah, Melissa, Me, and Amanda

In the midst of all the chaos and traveling it was Caleb's 3rd birthday. We were in WV on his day so we had a little party for him there. He was just excited to get some new little cars. Boys are so much easier than girls when it comes to birthdays.

One of the biggest things that have occurred over the last month or so is that Dale GRADUATED. Yes you read that right. Dale finally finished his M Div. It only took 8 yrs (I think) but he did it. We are so proud of him and his hard work.
My parents, his parents and sister and niece Julia all came down for his graduation. We had a great weekend celebrating with him.

He was so pumped. Here he is outside of
Binkley Chapel.

This shot is one I took as he was walking up the aisle after the ceremony finished.

He wasn't the only graduate in the family.
Caitlyn graduated from her preschool. Here she is with Mrs Neely and Mrs Jamie.

Here she is receiving her diploma.

Chloe and Dale finished up Indian Princesses.
That is just a quick recap of what has been happening over the last few months. We are getting settled here in Kershaw. I still have a few boxes to unpack, you know those boxes with miscellaneous items in them. I just love unpacking those. I had a job interview but am still waiting to hear from them. I am praying that God will lead me to where He would want me. I know He will provide for our needs until I get a job. We have met some great people here and we are excited for what God is going to do. Dale is away at one of Billy Waynes camps, so its just the kids and I. I am trying to deal with attitudes of a almost 7, almost 5 and a 3 yr old. But its great, we will survive. We went to Myrtle Waves Saturday and had a great time. Next week is VBS and Chloe and Caitlyn's birthdays, so I will be posting more next week. Thanks for keeping up with us and praying for us.