This is the man showing them how donuts are made. I had never actually seen the process so I thought it was cool as well.
Ms Ada helping Caitlyn decorate her donut. She chose chocolate icing with colorful sprinkles.
Caitlyn enjoying her donut. Notice the sprinkle in her tooth. How funny.
Her friend Andersen is in her class as well. Here are the two of them chowing down.
After they ate their donuts they sang some songs on the bus then went back into the shop and made a craft. Their were 3 classes so they were in a rotation.
I think overall she had a fun time. Not much else happening in the Myers house.. We finally finished our taxes so we made a trip to Sumter on Friday to have those done. Yeah!! Dale has been studying a lot for tests and he has a big paper due tomorrow, so he is a little stressed. We are planning a trip to Marlinton, WV on Friday to see Dales pop pop (grandad). His health is not doing well so we are going for a visit. Just keep him in your prayers. That's all for now.