While we were at Dales moms house I went to Once Upon a Child store and found some really cute dresses. Here are the girls dressed up for church last Sunday in a few of their new outfits. They looked so cute. The good thing right now is they can both wear each others clothes. Yeah!!!
I tried to get a picture of all 3 of the kids but here is how it went.
Guess that one didn't go that well.
We are excited about the next few days. Chloe has her first cheerleading game tomorrow afternoon with Upward cheerleading. She is sooo excited. I'll post some pictures tomorrow. Then Caitlyn is going to be starting preschool on Tuesday. She is going to go on Tuesdays and Thursdays at a local church. She is getting so big and she is excited about going to school. So we have to go this weekend and pick out a new lunch bag and backpack.
Well, that's all for now.. Check back soon for new updates...

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