I haven't posted anything for quite a while. Jill has been doing an amazing job of keeping everybody posted about all that has been going on in our lives. I finished up last semester and rested for a week or two as we went to my parents house for a visit. When we returned I then got back to some reading. I have purposed to read a biography and a doctrinally based book at the end of each semester. I find that the biography helps me to unwind from the stress of the semester yet stokes my fire to serve. This time I'm reading "Shadow of the Almighty" by Elisabeth Elliot about her husband Jim Elliot. It has been great so far and quite a challenge to read of his life and passion for God. The doctrinally based book I'm reading is "Chosen for Life: The Case for Divine Election" by Sam Storms. I have enjoyed learning more of election through this book. I read slow (and being here at school now really makes me feel slow when I hear of what others do in terms of reading) yet know I need to keep at it because it keeps my mind engaged in loving Him. Being engaged in this way was a great lesson learned and challenge from my theology class this semester. Dr. Hammett, my theology professor, made the following statement and it resonates in my heart even as I write this post "theology is loving God with all your mind". I have not necessarily loved Him well in this area of my life.
As for the adjustment of moving here I find that this is an ongoing process. I've not found the close relationships that I have in the past. It's weird being here at school yet totally exciting at the same time. The excitement is that I'm learning to love Him with all my mind as I never have before in my life - better late than never as I'll be 35 this year :). Looking forward to what God has in store and continue to be in awe of Him! His work in my life through this time is painful and amazing. Love you all and be in prayer for us and we seek His Face! I especially love you Jill - you are truly the most amazing woman I've ever met!
1 week ago
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